Technesy Holding S.p.a., including on behalf of its subsidiaries Ingo S.r.l. Benefit Company and Xcally S.r.l., has activated new channels for handling whistleblowing reports in implementation of legislative changes to the subject matter in question.
Whistleblowing is a legal way for workers to report any misconduct encountered in the course of their work.
Decree 24/2023 introduced new and important protections for the protection of individuals who report violations under current law, introducing ways that include computer and encryption tools to ensure the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, the content of reports, and related documentation.
As of 17/07/2023, Technesy Holding S.p.a., including on behalf of its subsidiaries Ingo S.r.l. Benefit Company and Xcally S.r.l., has made available to the entire corporate population and all employees and stakeholders, three types of reporting channels, specifically offering:
- DEDICATED TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 800985231 – Active Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (excluding holidays) – Number valid in Italy
- DEDICATED MAILBOX: technesyholding@ethicpoint.eu
- DEDICATED LANDING PAGE: https://ethicpoint.eu/technesy-holding/
The report sent through the above channels guarantees the anonymity of the reporter and its receipt and processing by external data processors with autonomy and independence from the organization.