Sentiment analysis by voice recording: how to understand what your customers are thinking
July 28
Today more than ever, customer experience is a key factor in a company's success. Thoroughly understanding your customers' needs and their level of satisfaction is key to building their loyalty and growing business. But how to […]
How can an IVR contact center enhance the operational efficiency of customer care specialists?
July 12
The world of customer service is constantly evolving, and companies are looking for solutions to improve the consumer experience, reduce costs, and increase the efficiency of their operators. In this context, the adoption of an IVR […]
The use of Predictive Analysis in customer care: how technology can improve customer experience
June 30
Customer care represents one of the main points of contact between companies and customers. Every day, companies receive a large number of support requests from users, which may relate to technical problems, inquiries, or complaints. Therefore, […]
Using Sentiment Analysis to improve Customer Care.
April 20
When we talk about customer care, customer satisfaction is essential. Sentiment Analysis, is an Artificial Intelligence-based technology that is revolutionizing the way call centers interact with users. In this article, we will explore how Sentiment Analysis […]
IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response: interactive voice response, which is a technology that allows customers to interact with a telephone system through a voice menu configurable to a company's specific needs. IVRs are increasingly established […]
How to choose the right customer support software for your contact center
February 1
One of the biggest challenges facing every brand today is managing increasingly complex customer care & experience processes. Providing the best customer service requires the orchestration and governace of multiple channels and tools. To do this, […]