Today more than ever, customer experience is a key factor in a company's success. Thoroughly understanding your customers' needs and their level of satisfaction is key to building their loyalty and growing business.

But how to really understand what your contact center customers are thinking? One effective way is to take advantage of inbound call recording (voice recording) and then perform sentiment analysis.

What is sentiment analysis

The sentiment analysis (or opinion mining)is a text analysis technique for determining the emotional tone of a piece of textual content, classifying it as positive, negative or neutral.

By applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning to texts, sentiment analysis makes it possible to identify the subjective opinions of interlocutors and thus better understand their impressions and reactions.

Practical Applications of Sentiment Analysis by Voice Recording

Sentiment analysis through voice recording can be used in various areas: in the customer service, can help identify customer problems and dissatisfaction; in the marketing, can help understand how customers perceive a product or service; in the market research, can provide valuable information on consumer trends and preferences.

Why analyze contact center voice recordings

Audio recordings of phone calls and conversations in contact centers are a valuable source of information for performing large-scale sentiment analysis.

Each call can provide unique insights into:

  • Customer satisfaction level
  • Recurring problems or complaints
  • Appreciation and positive feedback
  • Opportunities for improvement

By analyzing the data collected through voice recording, it is possible to identify trends and patterns on customer sentiment, useful for improving the customer experience.



Voice recording for contact center

To enable sentiment analysis, the first step is to implement a professional audio recording system of incoming and outgoing calls.

The solutions of voice recording for contact centers enable secure capture, storage and analysis of all customer conversations over channels such as phone, video call and chat.

More advanced software offers features such as:

  • Registration on cloud or local servers
  • API interfaces to integrate language analysis
  • Dashboard to monitor metrics and trends
  • Compliance with privacy regulations

Perform sentiment analysis

Once an end-to-end voice recording system is implemented, one can move on to the actual analysis of voice content.

First, recorded audio conversations are transcribed into text format using speech-to-text software. The resulting text is then processed by sentiment analysis algorithms to extract key insights.

Metrics and basic data

Analysis of voice recordings provides valuable metrics such as:

  • Percentage of positive/negative calls
  • Customer experience satisfaction rate
  • Most Discussed Subjects and Topics
  • Negative spikes on certain products or services
  • Seasonal or daily variations in sentiment

These and other KPIs can be cross-referenced to derive operational insights for continuous improvement.

Benefits of voice sentiment analysis

Leveraging sentiment analysis techniques on contact center voice content brings tangible benefits:

  • In the customer experience because it allows you to identify critical areas to work on
  • In terms of quality because analyzing feedback leads to improving products and services
  • In operations, optimizing internal processes and operating procedures
  • Indirectly it becomes a means of growth, providing a way to identify new business opportunities

With voice recording and sentiment analysis, it is more immediate to ascertain customers' attitudes toward a brand or product and identify actions to be taken to increase satisfaction.

XCALLY and sentiment analysis using Voice Recording

Sentiment analysis using techniques from Natural Language Processing applied to contact center voice recordings, represents a strategic tool for understanding customer needs, expectations and impressions more deeply and acting accordingly.

By adopting a data-driven customer-centric approach, you can continuously improve the user experience and strengthen the bond with your brand.

XCALLY, through integration with the tools Amazon AWS, allows the customer sentiment of each call recorded on the software to be obtained: Amazon Transcribe creates the transcript of the recorded call text and Amazon Comprehend analyzes this transcript and providing the resulting sentiment (positive, negative, neutral, and mixed) in the XCALLY Motion web GUI.