What is a disposition?
A disposition is a label (or a set of labels, with a hierarchy of up to three levels) that describes the outcome of a call or, in general, an interaction. It is a simple but powerful tool, both for Supervisors and Agents. For example, an agent who has handled an interaction can indicate its type or resolution when closing it.
Through a quick view of the dispositions, Supervisors can monitor the process and understand if the set objective is being achieved or if some actions are needed to improve it. Dispositions can also be used for reporting purposes, such as obtaining the conversion rate for each agent in case of an outbound marketing campaign.
The use of dispositions reduces the time Agents spend describing the outcome of the call. In addition, the entire team is aligned in real-time on the status of all shared interactions.
What dispositions are available on XCALLY?
XCALLY Dispositions make it easy to identify the type of interaction, such as a request for information, a report of a problem, or a request for technical assistance. They also allow identifying the outcome of the interaction, such as whether the customer has made a purchase, requested a follow-up call, or decided not to proceed with the purchase.
By default, the following dispositions are already available on XCALLY Motion:
Answer Machine
Not Interested
but it is possible to add as many dispositions as needed.
How to use dispositions
Using XCALLY Motion, agents can instantly classify each interaction by setting the disposition, writing any notes and optional information if they need to provide more details.
XCALLY Dispositions are customizable and can be set as mandatory or optional for agents, depending on the specific needs of the business logic. Additionally, XCALLY allows for the use of multi-level dispositions, with sub-levels that provide further details on the interaction.
Supervisors, in turn, can create custom dispositions and set them as optional or mandatory for agents based on business logic needs.
Starting from XCALLY Motion version 2.5.5, we have introduced the possibility to use multi-level dispositions for Omnichannel interactions. Supervisors can add up to 2 sub-levels for each disposition, which the agent will find after selecting the “main” disposition.
In brief, XCALLY Dispositions are a fundamental tool for efficient Contact Center management, as they allow for the quick and accurate classification of each customer interaction, providing useful information to monitor and improve the performance of the entire team.