Asterisk towards Social Media & IoT Interactions
Challenges & Applications
February 16, 2018, 10 - 10.55 AM
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Are you willing to take the next step inside the Open Source communications? Using Asterisk with Voice application is great, however there is an increasing demand for Messaging applications and Omni Channel capabilities. How to manage Asterisk environment mixing together voice, messaging, socials and IoT applications will be the main focus of this presentation. We are going to analyse how the Asterisk users can manage multiple kind of interactions, according to their skills. The concept of Open Channel API will be introduced: a simple but effective way to add new channels inside an Asterisk contact center environment, from Social media to IoT events which need to be managed according to some Queueing mechanism or automatic Workflows. Real demos will be played during the session, in order to see when such concepts work and when they break! Emphasis will be given as much as possible to free concepts, some of them even under Beta developments - in order to share the vision with the Open Source community - providing ideas and collecting as many feedbacks as we can from the attendees.