In this case study we are going to analyze how an automated translation solution enabled a client of mdtel, a strategic partner of XCALLY, to provide a targeted service for addressing gender-based violence and sexual assault.

Who is the customer and what is the service

The client is a government agency that monitors and collects requests for help in the area of gender and sexual violence. Active in this field for many years, the agency uses a system to respond to requests and connect the caller to operators specifically trained to offer the necessary and appropriate support. The specific goals have always been to:

  • Bring together the different public institutions that have expertise in gender-based violence.
  • Integrate as much information of interest as you deem necessary.
  • Making risk forecasts.
  • According to the level of risk, carry out nationwide monitoring and protection of victims.
  • Carry outpreventive action by issuing warnings, alerts, and alarms when an incidence or event is detected that may endanger the integrity of the victim.
  • Finally, seek to establish a dense network that enables the rapid, integral and effective monitoring and protection of battered women and their sons and daughters anywhere in the country.

For what reason did the company contact XCALLY?

The partner approached us with a specific request from the client to create something that would enable communication between people who do not speak the same language, offering the ability to interact in real time with callers who are in emergency situations or need.

What were the client’s needs?

Its main need was to have an efficient system to ensure effective and timely communication.
In the past, the translation service was done in 3-way conversation with a third person, with the associated problems of availability and cost.

The level of security had to be maximum, because all calls must be recorded, with full traceability, and must be usable by a judge. The system was to allow automatic translation and interpretation into the co-official languages of Spain and additional languages (Arabic, Russian, French, English, …).

What services did he need and what were the goals set

The client needed a real-time translation service for conversations, with the goal of ensuring clear and effective communication between the user and the telephone operator. The goal was to facilitate interaction regardless of the language spoken, while maintaining service quality and speed of responses, and at the same time amortizing the costs associated with using translators for the different languages needed.

Solution implemented by XCALLY

XCALLY analyzed the project in every detail, trying to fully understand and meet the client’s specific needs.

Therefore, a plugin was developed, Live Call Translator, which allows the operator to activate an automatic system for recognizing and translating the language spoken by the caller. The system transcribes and translates the content, displaying it on the operator’s screen in the language the operator understands.

What specifically did XCALLY do?

  • The first step, in early 2024, was to develop a pilot project that would address major issues such as real-time translation management and accurate transcription of conversations.
  • Subsequently, within about 60 days, the voice translation plugin was then designed and implemented.
  • Finally, optimizations were made to the translation and transcription system, seeking to tailor the product to customer requirements, with the goal of maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of the service.



The realized simultaneous translation plugin enables smooth and effective communication in calls between different languages by performing a series of actions on the messages issued by both parties to achieve satisfactory interaction.

The main features of XCALLY’s solution

The system provides information screens that clearly explain how the service works.
These are based on the plugin, which today can be an additional module of the product, available to all partners and customers.

The operation of the system can be schematized as follows:

  • Call recognition: The system identifies automatically the language spoken by the customer.
  • Activation of the plugin.: The operator activates the simultaneous translation plugin.
  • Transcription and translation: The system automatically transcribes and translates the conversation, showing the translated text on the operator’s screen.
  • Operator response: The operator can respond manually or through predefined phrases, which are then translated and played back with text-to-speech in the client’s language.
  • Continuous support: The system manages the entire dialogue, facilitating communication between the parties in real time.

Through this automated process, the person who contacted the service will receive a professional response in his or her own language, regardless of the language spoken by the operator.


Currently, the system is in production and is being used daily by 70 agents to support people in distress or frailty.
Each operator uses the XCALLY plugin for an average of 30 minutes per day, with 100% coverage of multilingual requests, exceeding even initial customer expectations

XCALLY has thus ensured not only a reliable and high-performing service, but also the flexibility to adapt the system to any future needs, offering a stable and scalable solution that responds in a timely manner to the needs of the institution.