
The Spanish Colabora Company has chosen the XCALLY Partner Inicia Soluciones in order to setup a marketing outbound campaign to improve lead management and increase the sale funnel conversions of its surveillance and alarm systems.

We have a limited number of agents in our contact center. We need a dialing campaign to filter our marketing calls and propose to agents only those contacts who are really interested in our alarm systems offering.

Colabora Company


Inicia Soluciones – XCA and XCP certified partner – successfully managed this project thanks to the flexibility and features of XCALLY.
The Inicia Soluciones team created a voice bot IVA (Intelligent Virtual Assistant) by using the powerful Cally Square IVR Designer – perfectly integrated with Google Dialogflow, TTS and ASR – combined with dialing campaigns.

As requested by Colabora, leads are filtered by the bot first: only those who are truly interested are then connected to human agents.


Here is how the process works:
1. The XCALLY Dialer automatically calls potential customers.
2. The XCALLY Conversational AI IVR provides an introduction about the product offering and asks the prospect if he/she would be interested in receiving more information. Based on the contact’s response in natural language, the following three options are handled:
– If he/she is interested, the call is forwarded to an agent.
– If he/she wants to be contacted later, the phone number is saved in the callback list. The potential customer will be contacted automatically by the system at a later time, based on the availability of the agents.
– If he/she is not interested, the bot asks the reason and store this information for analysis purposes.


Almost 80% improvement in the performance of customer service agents, thanks to the contact pre-filtering managed by the Bot.
Almost 30% improvement in the initial engagement with unknown leads, due to better approach by the Conversational AI interactions managed with natural language dialogs, compared to a legacy IVR solution.

Furthermore, the possibility of integrating XCALLY with Grafana (data graphics software) has allowed Inicia Soluciones to provide customized dashboards to meet the specific reporting needs of Colabora.

“We are completely satisfied with the work of the Inicia Soluciones team and the XCALLY system. They have provided us with the best possible solution and a gateway to future projects.”

Colabora Company